We have led the way in designing microfluidic devices capable of producing monodisperse liquid droplets on the micron lengthscale. These are 10 times smaller than the state-of-the-art. So far these constitute a new model system for self-assembly (owing to their smaller size), and offer the possibly to measure stress at the microscopic level in solid soft matter, the first time any such measurement has been possible in a thermalized material of any nature.

Geometry of the microfluidic device and the evidence of a second order jetting transition
- Dong J, Meissner M, Eggers J, Seddon AM, and Royall CP "Opposed flow focusing: evidence of a second order jetting transition", Soft Matter, 14 8344-8351 (2018), PDF download.
- Meissner M, Dong J, Eggers J, Seddon AM, and Royall CP, "Oil-in-water microfluidics on the colloidal scale: new routes to self-assembly and glassy packings", Soft Matter, 13 788-794 (2017). PDF download.